दाद-खाज खुजली का जड़ से इलाज । Homeopathic Treatment For Ringworm ।Tinea...

Hello Friends! I am Dr. Rahul Singh, Homoepathic Doctor. दोस्तों इस वीडियो में मैंने 'दाद-खाज खुजली' (RINGWORM ya FUNGAL INFECTIONS) जिसे TINEA भी कहते है के बारे में जानकारी दी है, ऐसा क्यों होता है? और इसका इलाज क्या है? हम कैसे बच सकते हैं? #fungalinfection #ringworm #tinea #athletesfoot #skin #fungal #fungus #homeopathy #treatment #skincare #eczema #acne #fungalnail #dermatologist #antifungal #skininfection #darkspots #jockitch #homeopathytreatment #drrahulsingh #rahulsinghhomeopathy This video explain about Tinea or Ringworms, Fungal infections of skin, Types of Tinea infection, Causes, prevention and homoeopathic treatment of Ringworm (Fungal infection). Ringworm, medically known as ‘Tinea’ is a fungal infection of skin (dermatophyte) which can affect any part of the body. It is called, "ringworm" because of the circular and ring-like appearance of rashes on skin surface. In layman language, it is also as known as “Daad.” Ringworm is a very common skin problem now a day and cases of Ringworm are increasing. It is a contagious skin disease and may spreads through contact with the infected person. Homoeopathic Medicines for Ringworm (Fungal infections) -- 1 Arsenic album 30 2 Sulphur 30 3 Sepia 30 4 Tellurium 30 5 Bacillinum 200 6 Psorinum 200 7 Silicea 30 8. Thuja 30 Buy Calendula Powder -- https://amzn.to/3Q9IEyY

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