Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Diseases (PCOD) with Homoeopathy

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Diseases:-

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), is a common endocrine system disorder among women of reproductive age. 

It is a condition in which levels of the sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone of a woman, are out of balance. This results in enlarged ovaries that contain tiny collections of fluid (ovarian cysts), referred to as follicles which might be settled in each ovary. 

These cysts are often seen during an ultrasound exam. Problems with a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and hormonal imbalance can be the result of PCOS.


The syndrome was previously called Stein-Leventhal Syndrome after the physicians who first characterized it in the 1930s. Although its cause remains unknown.

Hippocrates (460–377 B.C.) notes, ‘‘But those women whose menstruation is less than three days or is meager, are robust, with a healthy complexion and a masculine appearance; yet they are not concerned about bearing children nor do they become pregnant’’.

Epidemiology and risk factors

As per the NIH/NICHD criteria, the estimated prevalence indicates that PCOS is a common endocrine disorder, affecting 4%–8% of women of reproductive age. Many groups have demonstrated recently, that the prevalence of PCOS varies depending on the diagnostic criteria used.

A family history of PCOS is also a risk factor for PCOS. A high prevalence of PCOS or its features among first-degree relatives is suggestive of genetic influences.

The cause of PCOS

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Doctors believe that hormonal imbalances and genetics play a role. Women are more likely to develop PCOS if their mother or sister also has the condition. 

Production of the hormone androgen in excess may be another contributing factor. Androgen is a male sex hormone that women’s bodies also produce. This overproduction can affect the development and release of eggs during ovulation. Excess insulin may cause high androgen levels.

Symptoms of PCOS

1.    Irregular menses (usually delayed)
2.    Weight gain and difficulty in losing weight
3.    Acne
4.    Dandruff
5.    Pain in Abdomen
6.    Excessive unwanted hair growth on the chest, back, and face
7.    Thinning of hair
8.    Infertility
9.    Miscarriage
10.  High blood pressure
11.  Diabetes

Diagnosis of PCOS

There is no definitive test for PCOS. Diagnosis depends on the medical history and symptoms of patients. The physical and pelvic examination can help to find out the signs of PCOS. 

Blood tests:-

•    Fasting glucose tests to measure blood sugar levels.
•    Lipid level tests to assess the amount of cholesterol.

USG (Ultra Sonography)

Treatment of PCOS

Treatment for PCOS is not curative. It focuses on controlling and managing the condition to prevent complications. The treatment also varies from woman to woman, depending on their symptoms.

A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to control PCOS, particularly in those women, who are overweight. This can help to regulate your menstrual cycle and lower your blood glucose levels.

Surgery can be the last option. A recent treatment option uses laparoscopy to treat patients with PCOD.

Complications of PCOS

•    Hypertension (high blood pressure)
•    High cholesterol
•    Anxiety and depression
•    Endometrial cancer (cancer caused by thickening of the lining of the uterus)
•    Heart attack
•    Diabetes
•    Breast cancer

Homeopathic management for PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be treated with Homoeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are very safe and can cure PCOS permanently and without any side effects. 

The complete cure of PCOS is a time-consuming process and it cannot be expected in a few days. It requires complete observation regarding the change of symptoms in the patient and frequent clinical follow-ups. 

Here is a case of PCOS/PCOD treated by Homoeopathic medicine.

Cases of PCOD treated by Homoeopathy

Case 1

This is a case of a college-going 18-year-old girl, who came to me with the complaint of Amenorrhea for the last 6 months and pain in the right side of the abdomen. She came to me on the 5th of February, 2016. Her mother is a regular patient of mine.

Associated problem: -
Acne on the face, Weight was increasing
Past h/o: - Nothing specific

Family H/o: -
•    Father: - Hypertension, renal calculi, drinking alcohol regularly
•    Mother: Pain in Legs

Personal H/o: -
•    Appetite: Normal
•    Craving: Pickle
•    Thirst: Below average
•    Perspiration: only on exertion
•    Thermal: Hot, can't remain in a warm room, likes open air.
•    Stool: Regular, Disturbed by oily and fast food
•    Urine: normal
•    Sleep: normal
•    Fear: Of ghosts, Dark, Height

Mental: -
•    Get irritable on the small thing
•    Weeping mood
•    According to her mother, she is very sweet by nature and obeys her instructions most of the time

Menstrual H/o: -
•    Menarche: at the age of 14 years
•    Much pain in the abdomen before and on the first day of menses
•    Amenorrhea for the last 6 months

Investigations: -
I advise her to get an Ultrasonography of the Lower Abdomen.
According to her USG report, she was having Poly Cystic Ovarian disease in her Right ovary.

Treatment: - After a proper analysis of her symptoms, she was given PULSATILLA 0/1 BD.
After two months she had her menses with less pain. Now mentally she is calm and her acne was also disappearing.

Follow-up: PULSATILLA 0/1 refill.
After about six months, she was normal with regular menses. Her USG report confirms it, as a report was normal.
Both USG reports are attached.

                                           Before Treatment

                           After Treatment

Case 2

This is a case of a 30 years old lady having problems with irregular and painful menses for the last 1 year. After doing USG whole abdomen, She was told of having PCOS, by her gynecologist. 

She refused to start hormone therapy and came to us for homeopathic treatment as previously she was cured by our homeopathic medicines for her facial "flat warts". 

After a proper assessment of her case, we started homeopathic medicine for her. Within three and half months, her USG report was normal for PCOS. 

                          Before Treatment

                             After Treatment

About the Author: Dr. Rahul Singh

Dr. Rahul Singh is a registered Homeopath and Certified Nutritionist with over 16 years of experience and recipient of multiple awards, helps busy people in this fast life, re-energize with tips on a healthy diet, yoga, beauty, health, and wellness strategies that have an impact on their life.

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